Thursday, April 14, 2016


“I suddenly realize that at this minute I am happy” (38).

while reading, i remember reading over this paragraph a second time. This was a wondrous moment for Meredith. That moment of happiness and sheer joy is so valuable. it is not something that you can just recreate. it is not something that you can fake either. that moment of realization is striking and it leaves you sitting there thinking about how you wished you could always be like this. speaking from a personal experience, i remember sitting there, looking around the room and thinking, "this is where i need to be. this is what i enjoy." i also remember thinking "is this really all i need to have a breakthrough like this?" Meredith's breakthrough was writing, mine was art. similar to Meredith, picking up that pencil and putting it to paper, there was just something about it that feels so comforting. it is an escape from what is happening in the chaotic world around you


  1. I can relate. She finally has found an action or place that has made her finally feel something other than being numb. Mine is Salisbury Beach at night. I always feels, as I am sitting there, that I am truly happy. Meredith finally has a chance to feel happiness from her experience.

  2. Is is surprising to you what she finds happiness in? This girl, who no longer feels like a girl, becoming immersed in her academics truly for the the first time. She was always a good student, but never genuinely cared.
